Gail Huff, back in the day, was molten heat. In 1984, every young man would have melted in her presence. I do get a kick out of her pouty lips, and out of whatever she did to her eyes - her eyes looked as if she were suffering either an allergy attack or a reaction to chlorine.
The video is racy. For 1984, especially, it's racy. The left seems to think this will somehow hurt Scott Brown. And I ask: exactly how? I've never been as impressed with Scott Brown as when I was watching this music video of Gail Huff.

Related video:
Gail Huff takes the Navy Seal Challenge.
She's good in the water, and she maintains "hot" status, don't you think?
Bonus Friday Hot: this cute Dem lady who voted for Scott Brown
That's Stacy McCain conducting the interview.
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