Saturday, April 07, 2007

Things to do when it snows

in Ft. Worth, on Easter weekend:

#27: mow the lawn your beautiful LSU sweatshirt, a gift from 16 months ago, which you've never worn - b/c its a heavy sweatshirt, and it just never gets cold enough to wear it - which you become certain of when you don the sweatshirt, only to then snap a sales tag from inside the neck of the sweatshirt.

And, wouldn't you know it, the sweatshirt becomes too hot inside of 10 minutes. So you hang it, and don a windbreaker, which becomes too hot inside of 10 more minutes. So you hang it, and finish the lawn, in the skittering/swirling snow, wearing two sturdy t-shirts. You mow an artistic diagonal cut.

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