Saturday, January 03, 2009

Uncle Ray, RIP

Uncle Ray had the perfect graveside service: laid to rest under cozy trees; ample crowd of Wranglers and boots Waco friends to see him home; breeze blowing cousin Lisa's Amazing Grace lyrics across the winter grass. When a beautiful person sings, their humanity comes through, and the song is all the more beautiful.

Uncle Ray did us all a favor via provoking a winter family reunion to supplement our summer reunion. I was favored with attention from the lovely former Cotharn sisters of Robinson, TX. That is a good thing. Those women are good lookin.


Anonymous said...

You are right. It was a great service. And, I got the best lookin one of the bunch! Sorry I couldn't visit more with you. Rhonda enjoyed talking to you. You should come visit more.


gcotharn said...

Rhonda does brighten any decor. If you come to the soccer game in Cleburne, I will drive down and watch. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Marks right, he did get the best look'n one : )