Sunday, June 01, 2008

White Priest = harder to play the race card

Karl at Protein Wisdom:
The Obamas leave Trinity [Karl]

Apparently, crazyass, race-baiting, crypto Marxist politics dressed up as religion just got to be too much… when it came out of the mouth of a white priest. Much harder to play the race card as trump.
My bolding. Could this be the case in this instance? It could.

I'm not confident it is the case. I need to let things marinate awhile. But it could be.

That it could be is a commentary on our cultural demurral to this PC argument:
Party A doesn't know enough to criticize Party B.
This PC argument is ruining our country.

I know enough about Islam to criticize Islam. If our nation doesn't know enough about Islam to criticize Islam, then our nation risks being slowly conquered by Islam. If our nation doesn't have the moral confidence to criticize Islam, then we risk dissolving into a puddle of Euro-goo.

I know enough about Black Liberation Theology to criticize it. I know enough about Trinity United Church of Christ to criticize it. I know enough about the "experience of African Americans" to criticize African Americans. To say I do not is either ludicrous fantasy or strategic misdirection. If our nation doesn't have the moral confidence to criticize BLT, TUCC, and fellow human beings whose skin happens to be darker: then we risk watching Barack introduce Jimmy Carter 2.0, and all the stagflation and terror genuflection that implies.

If we don't have moral confidence, we are limp wet noodles.

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