Tuesday, June 16, 2009

President Obama is a disaster

President Obama, in order to preserve the possibility of nuclear negotiation with the Khomeini regime, is turning his back on Iranian people who are seeking freedom and who are seeking to emulate the peoples of the United States.

In 1981, the Soviet puppet ruler of Poland, in an attempt to dampen the Polish people's efforts to become free, declared martial law. President Reagan came out with a simple yet forceful statement: the United States stands with the people of Poland, and not with the government. No listeners, not in Poland or Moscow or anywhere, doubted that President Reagan meant what he said and was willing to take action to back up his words(even if that action was covert instead of overt). President Reagan then met with the Pope(who was Polish) and publicized his conversation with the Pope about the plight of the Polish people. President Reagan, while never threatening military force, then steadily turned up the rhetorical pressure over the next days and weeks. Today, President Reagan is revered and celebrated in a free Poland. There is a statue.

President Obama is doing the exact opposite of President Reagan, and is displaying DESPICABLE ignorance and weakness in the process. In 2009 AD, it's DESPICABLE to be this ignorant.

President Obama displays incredible ignorance and arrogance in believing he can sweet talk Khomeini into giving up his nuclear ambitions. A joke, except President Obama ignorantly believes in it. If, as is ostensibly the case, President Obama's primary focus is on Iran's nukes, then President Obama's best chance of affecting the nuke problem is an overthrow of the ruling regime. His worst chance of affecting the Iranian nuke problem, his absolutely hopeless and useless cause, is negotiation and sweet talk and personal diplomacy and ... wait for it ... reason.

President Obama doesn't see the true and human value of democracy and freedom. Such is bad for Iranians, bad for Americans, bad for the world. Such is also inexcusable and despicable. President Obama was raised as a communist and educated in his late teens and early twenties as a communist. He attended a Black Liberation Church which advocates the redistribution of income by government fiat. He belonged to the Communist "New Party" during his earliest days running for office. President Obama doesn't see the true and human value of democracy and freedom. He doesn't truly see the difference - either for Iranians or for the world - that overthrow of the Khomeini regime would represent.

President Obama is ignorant of history and of human nature. Such is a disaster for the United States and a disaster for the world.


“What she knows, you can’t teach. And what she doesn’t know, she can learn.”
Sarah Palin has an understanding of human nature, and of the human spirit, which Barack Obama will never have. Which, for instance, Jimmy Carter has never had and will never have*. Many people, besides Sarah Palin, also have excellent understanding of the human spirit. It's both despicable and tragic that the President of the United States does not.

*June 13, 2009:
Speaking from Ramallah, the esteemed Jimmy Carter—known for monitoring elections worldwide—diminished the importance of the Iranian presidential elections and said he hoped in his second term, Ahmadinejad would moderate his positions.


Another note:
President Obama, by ignoring Iranian efforts to free themselves from oppression, is also dishonoring the efforts and sacrifice of the U.S. military in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Part of our strategic purpose was to make Iraq and Afghanistan the bread in an Iran sandwich. Why, when they have never before had free and fair elections, would the Iranian people be suddenly demanding free and fair elections? Does it have anything to do with the Iranian people's knowledge that their neighbors in Iraq and in Afghanistan enjoy free and fair purple fingered elections? Of course it does. 4,000+ Americans have given their lives, in part, so that the Iranian people would desire free and fair elections(ultimately resulting in a safer America). President Obama, via ignoring the Iranian people, via trying to preserve the Khomeini regime as a nuclear negotiating partner which will be susceptible to his own devastating Barack-charm: is urinating on the graves of Americans who sacrificed. President Obama is ignorance in action; disaster personified.

My friend Paul Gordon includes some good links to Iran info:

Paul Gordon said...

On the Iran situation...

Besides Gateway Pundit and The Strata-Sphere, most of the reporting I've seen has come fromMichael J. Totten, who is currently posting much of his Iran stuff at Commentary.

Hope all the links came through, as he is well worth checking out.


Paul Gordon said...

On the Iran situation...

Besides Gateway Pundit and The Strata-Sphere, most of the reporting I've seen has come from Michael J. Totten, who is currently posting much of his Iran stuff at Commentary.

Hope all the links came through, as he is well worth checking out.


(P.S. - Someone griped about a floating ad on the Commentary site. It has a closing "X" at the upper right hand corner, and I had no problem making it go away. Please, DON'T blow off the site just because of that.)


gcotharn said...

Thanks Paul. I'm putting your links into the post as an update.