Thursday, July 30, 2009

Evil Cold Blooded Venomous Reptiles

My soon to be second grade niece plays on a softball team called the Timber Rattlers.

Worst, least cuddly, most evil youth mascot ever.

Proposed Team Colors:
Speckled Brown, Swollen Red, and Corpse Gray

Proposed Team Cheer:
We are the Rattlers and we are teething!
You'll soon be unconscious with labored breathing!
Rattlers! Rattlers! Yea!

Proposed Team Cheer #2:
Don't cheer at us with nomenclature!
We'll bite your booty cause it's our nature!
Rattlers! Rattlers! Yea!

Proposed Team Cheer #3:
Eat this apple! Eat this apple!
Eat this apple! Eat this apple!
(ad infinitum)

This mascot could only happen in a communist enclave whose heathen residents have no consciousness of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Texans - SENSIBLE and LEARNED and CIVILIZED human beings we - would boycott this mascot for the sake of our children's souls.

How does anyone pick a snake for youth mascot? Demons and Lucifers must have been already taken; Zombie Michael Jacksons must not yet have been available.

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